News & Events


06.18.24 I-WRF News Knepper presents advances in weather modeling technology at the International Conference on Digital Govt. Research
11.02.23 I-WRF News American Meteorological Society Accepts I-WRF Paper for 2024 Annual Conference
06.02.23 I-WRF News PEARC23 Technical Program Committee Accepts I-WRF Paper
10.07.22 Energywire What runs a zero-carbon grid in a renewable energy slump?
09.20.22 Cornell News An integrated framework for atmospheric and climate modeling
09.20.22 HPCwire NSF funds Cornell and NCAR to implement an integrated framework for atmospheric and climate modeling


08.12.24 - 08.13.24 Charlotte, NC: CSSI PI Meeting I-WRF Poster Presentation
07.11.24 - 07.14.24 Taipei, Taiwan: Intl. Conf. on Digital Govt. Research Cyberinfrastructure Innovation Supporting Research, Equity, Discovery: I-WRF
06.11.24 - 06.13.24 Salt Lake City: ESIG Forecasting & Markets Status of Climate Change Projections on Wind & Solar Resources
05.29.24 - 05.31.24 Washington, DC: MS-CC Annual Meeting I-WRF: Containerized Framework for Weather Modeling, Verification, and Visualization
03.12.24 - 03.14.24 Arlington, VA: Spring 2024 CASC Meeting I-WRF Update
01.29.24 Baltimore, MD: AMS Annual Meeting Presenting I-WRF: Containerized WRF, MET, and MET plus for Portability, Scaling, and Outreach
09.26.23 - 09.27.23 Houston, TX: CSSI PI Meeting I-WRF poster: "CSSI: Frameworks: Large Scale Atmospheric Research Using an Integrated WRF Modeling, Visualization, and Verification Framework"
07.23.23 - 07.27.23 Portland, OR: PEARC23 "The I-WRF Framework: Containerized Weather Modeling, Validation, and Verification"
12.13.22 Chicago, IL: AGU Fall Meeting Presented: "Urban Impacts on Deep Convection in the Southern Great Plains"